Saturday, November 23, 2013

Hey there! Any other Wrimos?!


So it's been a while.
Every time I thought about this, I just... Bleh?
I dunno.

Anyway, here I am again.
I'm visiting in California for American Thanksgiving right now.


Can anyone give me a satisfactory, straight-up, non-Googled answer as to why there is a Canadian Thanksgiving in October?
Is it just because of the whole "mandatory one holiday a month" deal? Which is a SWEET deal, btw.
Not complaining.
But, seriously.

I'm about 2/3rds convinced that Canada is just an extension of America.
I didn't think this before I moved there. I used to tell people that yes, Canada and America are two different countries.
But now... There are just SO MANY THINGS!
Canada actually really reminds me of the sad younger brother who's trying to imitate his older brother, but be 'his own person' at the same time. It never works out.

Canadian Thanksgiving
Canada is in the National Hockey League
And the National Basketball Administration (right?)
But not the National Football League. Because Canadians suck at football - they have the Grey Cup. I laughed SO hard when I saw "GREY CUP" on a magazine in Canada and then laughed even harder when my husband told me it wasn't a hoax or a prank. There is an actual "GREY CUP", and Canadians play football for it. S and I had a good hour long conversation once about why America is so much better at football. Short story = More people to pick from in America.

Anyway, Canada... You aren't making the best of cases for your independence.
OH! I forgot one!
Canada Day is July 1st.

Okay, moving on.
Now, Canada, don't be sad.
I love your face.
Literally, you are a BEAUTIFUL country, and your animals are fantastic!
Your people?
I married a Russian who just so happens to live in Canada.
Read what you will.

American Thanksgiving is a good holiday for eating and being thankful.
I, for one, am thankful that I know all the horrible things that happened when Columbus came over.
He tortured people.
He burned them alive.
He gave his officers the native girls, age 9 - 12, as CURRENCY. For "recreation", let's say.
Columbus was a horrid, horrid man, and I want to sink the Nina, the Pinta, and ESPECIALLY the Santa Maria, back in 1942. Actually, 1941. SINK THE WHOLE PLAN. SINK IT!

It's a good thing I'm not a time traveller. I'd mess up history all over the place. Because white men are idiots.
White women probably were as well, at the time, but you only really hear about the men.

Last thought before bed:
That song, "The Man Who Can't Be Moved"?
If S and I were separated (nope, btw), I wouldn't go stand on the corner of the street where we met! I'd call his family and friends and stalk people on Facebook until they gave me his address or phone number, and then I'd call or go to him and talk it out like crazy NORMAL PEOPLE!
If S stood on a street corner for years in rain and snow and everything, I'd think it was sweet, but I'd be really worried about his mental health. And health in general. He could get pneumonia, for crying out loud!
Also, what do you think that man's financial situation is going to be in that situation?
If he's just standing on a street corner and not even accepting charity, he's not going to be getting much of a paycheck. I doubt he'd be able to support himself, let alone the girl.
I dunno. I've just always hated that song, because it's a "love song", but it's all idiotic infatuation and over-estimating reality and your place in it.
You know?
It's like, "Hey how about a phone call? Think that would work? And how are you getting food? You're not working... Have you talked to someone about this? Like a therapist, maybe?"
Ugh. There are SO SOOO many STUPID "love song"s out there.

Find me a good one? Good words and music and all.


Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Hey, what's this bar up here?! OH, it's a TITLE BAR! How convenient...


So guess what S and I just started?!?!?!?!
By the ways, 'S' is my husband, who is a little internet-wary and old-fashioned in adorable and delicious ways. I mean, who else makes chicken noodle soup from scratch? Seriously. The whole thing is from scratch. He gets water, pasta, salt, pepper, thyme, and chicken breasts and just... Away he goes!
*sigh of love*

I did karate a looooooong time ago, for three years from age 12 to 15 or so. It was great fun, but I quit when we started sparring, because I wasn't interested in being punched and kicked by the over-enthusiastic 15 yo boys in my class. :P
However, the class we're in now is a small adult class with belt colors (levels in karate) ranging from White (beginning, like us) to Brown.
An hour+ of ridiculous amounts of energy, training, FUN, and buckets of SWEAT.
I don't think I've sweated that much for at least a year. Maybe two.
Is Robin out of shape? Yes indeedy.
Is Robin going to enjoy getting back into shape at this dojo twice a week? DEFINITELY!
Is Robin glad S decided to join and support her in getting fit and staying active throughout the icky winter? OH YEAH.

On to other news!
I'm now getting p-r-e-t-t-y tired due to a slight (read: major) adrenaline crash, so I'm gonna tap out early.
I'm going to try leaving a photograph for you guys (did I mention I love art and love photography?), but it might not work out so well... Lemme see here...
It took like 30 minutes, but it's done!

This is a photograph I took on a walk at a local creek. Fall here is beautiful.

This is Bertram. I just named him 10 minutes ago.
He's been my friend for almost a year now, and he flies by a few times a week to look in my windows and check out all the cool stuff going on at my house!
He freaks out when I try to photograph him though. He's camera-shy! :D
How do I know it's Bertram every time?
Well, who else would it be?!

Welcome to Robin's new game, "Find the Small Woodland Creature"!
Have fuuuuuuuuuun!
Note: There really is a small woodland creature in the photograph, don't worry.
He should actually be fairly easy to spot...
At least I think so.

So now I know how to post photographs!
Tedious process, but yay all the same.
It's getting REALLY late now, and the last of my adrenaline is leaving my system in sighs and yawns.
Goodnight and God bless!
Walk Cheerfully!!!

Monday, October 7, 2013

Well hello there!

My name is Robin, and this is my new blog!
I'm pretty sure my first few (or many) readers will be people who have actually met me, but if you're a new visitor, welcome!
This seems totally hokey so far.
Oh well, I'm sure I'll get into the flow of blogging sooner rather than later.
You see, I've always, ALWAYS loved to write.
I've tried journaling, but it seemed like such a waste, since no one would read it.
I've written both stories and fanfiction for varied universes. I still write, on occasion. I'm actually hoping to write out a full book this November for NaNoWriMo. The fanfiction will stay safely on my hard drive, far from the light of day, where it belongs. :)
For the last year I've been writing longer and longer posts and rants on Facebook (more about the WHY for that later). Eventually, someone suggested I should start a blog.
I'm boring myself now. Skip ahead a few pages, brain.
And now we're here!

What to talk about...
I don't want to talk about me, since I know all of that already...
But you might not, so here goes!

I'm 23 (as of 2013), female, married (since summer 2012), living in the cold white north (read: Canada), and I don't have any pets right now. SADFACE. I'm hoping to convince my apartment manager to let us have a cat. I NEED A CAT.
I'm more of a cat person, but I adore animals in general. I was born and raised in California, which I still consider to be the most amazing place on Earth. I mean, seriously. It's beautiful and wonderful and WARM. Ugh.
I HATE the cold. Absolute disgust and agony is radiating from my being at the thought of wintery doom descending upon my humble abode.
I love my husband. He is an amazing man, especially for putting up with all of my nonsense... Cause if you know me, you know I can be ridiculous in both good and bad ways. :P
But he's amazingly patient and kind, and I'm going to keep trying to do my best for him, because he deserves it. Even if he does annoy me sometimes. Eh, everyone annoys everyone at some point, am I right?
Yes, obviously.
Is there anything else you should know about me?
I'm religious. I believe that the Bible is the inspired word of God, and I try to live my life according to His will. Basically, I try to muddle through life by holding onto a bright rope of His principles and following them. Will I try to ram my beliefs down your throat? No. Will I tell you what I believe if you ask? Yes. Will I hate you for not believing what I do? No, although it will make me sad. *shrug*
What can I say? I like people, and therefore I want them to know the truth of the Bible.
I would say that you can feel free to ignore that part of me, but... It's a pretty big part of me. Mighty hard to ignore, I'd say.
So, yeah! That's me in a nutshell!
Oh yeah!
I don't have any children, and won't for quite a while (if I have any say in it, and I'm pretty sure I do). I have two wonderful parents, four wonderful siblings, more relatives than I could shake a stick at, and enough friends to sink the Titanic.
I'm pretty sure we could accomplish that.
Maybe I should've... I don't think... I'm not sure sinking the Titanic is something I want my friends to be a part of... It really isn't, now that I think about it...
Okay, I'm pretty sure I have enough friends that we could have been all the extras for the MOVIE Titanic. HaHA!
Crisis averted!
Also, I keep typing Titanic as "Titantic"... Too many 't's.
I'm certified to teach elementary school in California, but that doesn't fly in Canada, unfortunately, so I'm in the process of getting recertified. Apparently that's not a word. TOO BAD, SPELLCHECK!
Normally, I love spellcheck, but sometimes A WORD HAS TO WORD! You know?
I love children, and I used to feel more comfortable around children than adults! Now I've figured out that adults won't eat me, so we're cool.
I'm trying to learn Russian, as my husband grew up there and we're hoping to go visit his family sometime in the spring. It's going s-l-o-w-l-y. Priviet, zhenshena o mushinya!
I'm pretty sure that sounds like Russian for, "Hello, woman or man!"
Yeeeeeaaaaaah, I've got a WAYS to go.
Moving on!
It's a little late here, and I have to get up early to go to the doctor (I've been sick on and off for the past year, which isn't cool). Maybe they'll have figured out why I'm so sicky all the time.
Therefore, I shall sign off for now!
Except that I forgot to tell you!
My plans for this blog are varied and will morph and change as time goes by.
Currently (Oct 2013), I am hoping to use this place to ease myself back into writing a lot so I'll be prepared for NaNo in November.
I'm also hoping to use this place to rant and vent about things. I like talking, and I don't have a ton of people to talk to right now.
Finally, I would love to make some art work thingamajigs, and getting pocket money from that would be great. I have a shop on Etsy, and maybe posting about this will inspire me to actually PUT SOME THINGS IN THE SHOP COME ON ROBIN!!!
So THAT'S me in a nutshell. I was just joking earlier... Heh heh. Right...
I'm a bit of an oddball, so I'll be random at least once a day!
Feel free to say hello (if that's an option on this thing... I really have NO earthly idea what I'm getting myself into)!
Walk cheerfully!